Miscellaneous Forms:
Pacific Union Conference Loan Application
Duplicate Housing Assistance Application
Travel and Expense Report - PDF format
This Windows file is called WorkerReportForm.rename.
You will need to rename this file to WorkerReportForm.exe.
It should work in Windows at that point.
Parsonage Forms:
(The following files are in two formats. PDF, and Word - read only)
(Mac users - the PDF version may work with the free Acrobat Reader)
Estimated Parsonage Own 2017 PDF
Estimated Parsonage Rent 2017 PDF
Actual Parsonage Expense Report 2016 PDF
2016 Parsonage Forms that are electronically fillable
(The formats are .rename and .pdf. The .rename is a Windows executable file format
that needs to be renamed to .exe in order to run it in windows.)